Nau Mai ki
Ōtākaro Orchard

Welcome to the Ōtākaro Orchard Community Garden and Food Forest.
A living, learning hub for growing food and environmental awareness.

Urban Food Hub
& Living lab

People care

Earth care

Future care

We’re on the cusp of a revolutionary food system with 780 parks, 37 community gardens, 70 edible school gardens, 5 food forests, and 26,000 fruit trees on public land!
At the heart of this flourishing city sits Ōtākaro Orchard, an urban food hub, community garden and Food Forest by the Ōtākaro/Avon River, with a learning centre, outdoor amphitheatre, free public food forest, restaurant, and garden venue in the heart of the city.
Ōtākaro Orchard is a centre for food resilience, a living learning environment for us and our children, and a precious public asset for the coming centuries.